'Do not weep. Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.'
Revelation 5.

What we do

The Missioners of the Totus Tuus believe that it is our responsibility as Children of God to promote love and care for those who are in greatest need; those described by Mother Theresa as the poorest of the poor, the unloved, uncared for, unwanted, abandoned and forgotten.

Evangelization Programs

The mission of the members of Totus Tuus is to follow the teaching of Our Lord Jesus and to show others the path of life. Totus Tuus organizes evangelization programs in different parts of the world such as:
  • Prayer groups
  • Holy rosaries
  • Conferences
  • Spiritual retreats
  • Youth ministries
Consecrations to the sacred heart of Jesus and to the immaculate heart of Mary

What is Evangelization?

Why do we need Conversion?

According the Pope Benedict XVI Human life cannot be realized by itself. Our life is an open question, an incomplete project, still to be brought to fruition and realized. Each human’s fundamental question is: How will this be realized—becoming human? How does one learn the art of living? Which is the path toward happiness?

To evangelize means: to show this path to teach the art of living. At the beginning of his public life Jesus says: I have come to evangelize the poor (Luke 4:18); this means: I have the response to your fundamental question; I will show you the path of life, the path toward happiness rather: I am that path.

The deepest poverty is the inability of joy, the tediousness of a life considered absurd and contradictory. This poverty is widespread today, in very different forms in the materially rich as well as the poor countries. The inability of joy presupposes and produces the inability to love, produces jealousy, avarice — all defects that devastate the life of individuals and of the world.

This is why we are in need of a new evangelization if the art of living remains an unknown. Nothing else works. But this art is not the object of a science. This art can only be communicated by [one] who has life; he who is the Gospel personified.

Why do we need Conversion?

The Greek word for converting means: to rethink—to question one’s own and common way of living; to allow God to enter into the criteria of one’s life; to not merely judge according to the current opinions. Thereby, to convert means: not to live as all the others live, not do what all others do, not feel justified in dubious, ambiguous, evil actions just because others do the same; begin to see one’s life through the eyes of God; thereby looking for the good, even if uncomfortable; not aiming at the judgment of the majority, of men, but on the justice of God in other words: to look for a new style of life, a new life. All of this does not imply moralist; reducing Christianity to morality loses sight of the essence of Christ’s message: the gift of a new friendship, the gift of communion with Jesus and thereby with God. Whoever converts to Christ does not mean to create his own moral autarchy for himself, does not intend to build his own goodness through his own strengths. Conversion (metanoia) means exactly the opposite: to come out of self-sufficiency to discover and accept our indigence—the indigence of others and of the other, his forgiveness, and his friendship. Unconverted life is self-justification (I am not worse than the others); conversion is humility in entrusting oneself to the love of the other, a love that becomes the measure and the criteria of my own life. (Benedict XVI)

Be Like an Angel

More joy in giving than receiving

According to Benedict XVI, scripture teaches us that there is more joy in giving than in receiving (cf. Acts 20,35).

When we do things out of love, we express the truth of our being; indeed, we have been created not for ourselves but for God and our brothers and sisters (cf. 2 Cor 5,15). Every time when, for love of God, we share our goods with our neighbor in need, we discover that the fullness of life comes from love and all is returned to us as a blessing in the form of peace, inner satisfaction and joy. Our Father in heaven rewards our almsgiving with His joy.

What is more: Saint Peter includes among the spiritual fruits of almsgiving the forgiveness of sins: "Charity," he writes, "covers a multitude of sins" (1 Pt 4,8). God offers to us sinners the possibility of being forgiven.

The fact of sharing with the poor what we possess disposes us to receive such a gift. In this moment, my thought turns to those who realize the weight of the evil we have committed and, precisely for this reason, feel far from God, fearful and almost incapable of turning to Him.

By drawing close to others through almsgiving, we draw close to God; it can become an instrument for authentic conversion and reconciliation with Him and our brothers.


And create in me the Will of God,
Have the Divine Will take possesion of me,
Enrapture my heart to enclose it in the Will of God.
Rule over my will in order to convert in Into Divine Will
My Mother by your son´s resurrection, make me rise into the Will of God
Fiat, Fiat Fiat
(Fiat is:Be it done onto me / yes !)
"I recognize myself: As a new creation of God´s Love"
"I know that you love me, my God and I love you with all my heart"
"I want to love as you love and do as you want me to do"
Come Divine Will Come to rule on us

Prayer to San Michael Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Christ has no body but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
With compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which He walks
To do good.
Yours are the hands with which He blesses
All the world.
Yours are the hands.
Yours are the feet.
Yours are the eyes.
Yours are His Body.

—St Theresa of Avila
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