
Totus Tuus

We come through all these things triumphantly victorious, by the power of him who loved us. For I am certain of this: neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nothing already in existence and nothing still to come, nor any power, nor the heights nor the depths, nor any created thing whatever, will be able to come between us and the love of God, known to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans chapter 8, 37-39

Who we are

Totus Tuus is a non-profit, private organization founded to promote a new generation of builders, who in the spirit and love of Christ, are taking an active role in the destiny of poorest of the poor around the world who are in dire need of help. 

The organization recognized through canonical approval by the Catholic Church and is made up of consecrated laypeople working within different Catholic communities in an effort to make our world a more humane and just place to live.Totus Tuus is a non-profit, private organization founded to promote a new generation of builders, who in the spirit and love of Christ, are taking an active role in the destiny of poorest of the poor around the world who are in dire need of help. 

The organization recognized through canonical approval by the Catholic Church and is made up of consecrated laypeople working within different Catholic communities in an effort to make our world a more humane and just place to live.

Our Founding Principles

Totus Tuus and its members are faithful to the Catholic Church and loyal to the teaching of the Magisterium. Thus, we know the importance of being part of Christ’s mystical body. Jesus gives all his members, laity included (cf. LG 34), the capacity of offering through their lives that worship which he himself called "worshipping the Father in Spirit and truth." (Jn 4:23)

According to the second Vatican Council, in this transcendent priestly reality of Christ’s mystery, the laity is called to offer their whole lives as a spiritual sacrifice, thus cooperating with the entire Church in the Redeemer’s continual consecration of the world. This is the laity’s great mission:

"For all their works, prayers and apostolic endeavors, their ordinary married and family life, their daily occupations, their physical and mental relaxation, if carried out in the Spirit, and even the hardships of life, if patiently borne—all these become ‘spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’ Together with the offering of the Lord’s body, they are most fittingly offered in the celebration of the Eucharist. Thus, as those everywhere who adore in holy activity, the laity consecrates the world itself to God." (cf. LG 34; CCC 901)

Our Vision of the Future - Shelter House of Loreto

Currently, Totus Tuus operates a retreat house, church and children’s hospice in Bogotá, Colombia. With the help of generous and faithful donors, a new hospice is currently under construction that will expand the number of beds available so Totus Tuus can help 70 to 100 children per year. Additionally, a chapel and underground burial chamber are being built

Totus Tuus’s vision is to expand our programs to other Latin American countries, the United States and other countries around the world to reach children who are terminally ill and have been abandoned. To spread this vision and build more civilizations of love around the world, we need your help.

Totus Tuus ~ Builders of the Love of Christ

“God always takes care of His creatures, but He does it through our hands.”
— Mother Teresa of Calutta

Totus Tuus is a non-profit, private organization that helps abandoned, terminally ill children. We help them cope with their pain, fear and isolation by providing a home, medical care, nutrition, spiritual guidance, hope and, above all else, an abundance of love. We currently operate a hospice, retreat center and church in Bogotá, Colombia but our vision encompasses helping children around the world.

Besides providing hospice care for abandoned terminally ill children, we also promote our charity and evangelization programs, which help spread our message and will make it possible for us to reach out more terminally ill children around the world.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.


What does Totus Tuus means?
Totus Tuus Ego Sum:

"I am all yours" or "I am completely yours, O Mary."

John Paul II dedicated his papacy to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. His personal motto, Totus Tuus (Completely Yours), is a term illustrating the consecration of his life to the Blessed Virgin.


"Consecration to Mary means ‘set aside for Mary,’ to be used by her to accomplish her holy purposes (which are the purposes of her divine Son Jesus).

"Totus Tuus. This phrase is not only an expression of piety, or simply an expression of devotion. It is more…Thanks to Saint Louis of Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother of God is actually Christ centric, indeed, it is very profoundly rooted in the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption."

—John Paul II in Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Arnoldo Mondadori Editori, 1994
Who can be a member of Totus Tuus?
What is a Secular Institute?


And create in me the Will of God,
Have the Divine Will take possesion of me,
Enrapture my heart to enclose it in the Will of God.
Rule over my will in order to convert in Into Divine Will
My Mother by your son´s resurrection, make me rise into the Will of God
Fiat, Fiat Fiat
(Fiat is:Be it done onto me / yes !)
"I recognize myself: As a new creation of God´s Love"
"I know that you love me, my God and I love you with all my heart"
"I want to love as you love and do as you want me to do"
Come Divine Will Come to rule on us

Prayer to San Michael Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Christ has no body but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth, but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
With compassion on this world.
Yours are the feet with which He walks
To do good.
Yours are the hands with which He blesses
All the world.
Yours are the hands.
Yours are the feet.
Yours are the eyes.
Yours are His Body.

—St Theresa of Avila
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